Provider Identification:
This is the common website of the following companies:
Rentschler Biopharma SE
Erwin-Rentschler-Str. 21
88471 Laupheim
P +49 7392 701-0
F +49 7392 701-300
Executive Board: Benedikt von Braunmühl, Christiane Bardroff, Gunnar Voss von Dahlen
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Prof. Dr. Nikolaus F. Rentschler
Commercial Register Ulm HRB 731612
Turnover tax ID no.: DE299455159
Rentschler Biopharma Inc.
27 Maple Street
Milford, MA 01757
P +1 508 282-5800
F +1 508 478-1883
Register Delaware 061127672 - 4265075.
Rentschler ATMP Ltd.
Sycamore House
Leyden Road
Stevenage SG1 2BP
P +44 1438 567870
Company Registration Number: 13019594
Registered office at The Scalpel, 18th Floor, 52 Lime Street, London, EC3M 7AF
Responsible for the content of the website
Dr. Latika Bhonsle-Deeng
Applicable law
Law of the Federal Republic of Germany
The regulatory authority charged with monitoring the manufacturing of active ingredients, drug products and investigational products for clinical studies and responsible for issuing manufacturing licences:
Regierungspräsidium Tübingen
Referat 25 - Ärztliche und pharmazeutische Angelegenheiten
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 20
72072 Tübingen
P +49 7071 757-0
F +49 7071 757-3190