On-demand Webinar about the Use of Digital Technologies in CGT Manufacturing

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Are you interested in learning how digital technologies can transform CGT manufacturing? Cell and gene therapies (CGTs) are a relatively new frontier of medicine, addressing the unique needs of patients with often rare or previously untreated diseases. Manufacturing advanced therapies is a complex and challenging process, requiring high levels of quality, safety and efficiency. To overcome these challenges, CGT manufacturers need to leverage the power of digital technologies, such as automation and artificial intelligence (AI). These technologies can help them optimize their processes, reduce costs, increase productivity and ensure regulatory compliance. 

This Innovate UK webinar discusses the use of digital technologies and the benefits they could bring in the future to the CGT manufacturing sector. Watch our on-demand webinar to discover: 

  • What are the applications of digital technologies in CGT manufacturing? 
  • What are the main barriers and challenges CGT manufacturers face when attempting to adopt digital technologies? 
  • How can these hurdles be overcome and what are the solutions for digitalization? 

Watch on-demand webinar

Rentschler Biopharma news Latika Bhonsle-Deeng

Corporate Spokesperson

Rentschler Biopharma SE

Dr. Latika Bhonsle-Deeng
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